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The Highveld Anglican Board of Social Responsibility was established in 2003, under the leadership of the Late Bishop David Beetge.

Until recently retired,  HABSR was lead by Bishop David Bannerman, with 9 board members who administer and monitor the funds raised for the various projects. They also approve all programmes needing financial, pastoral and skills assistance.

Our new chairman, Bishop Charles May was enthroned as bishop of the highveld on the 12 sept 2015. HABSR is looking forward to having him as part of our team.

The purpose of the board is to promote social care and responsibility in communities within the geographical boundaries of the diocese of the Highveld,  irrespective of gender, race, or religious affiliation. The board assesses the social and pastoral needs of the communities and creates the means whereby these needs may be alleviated.

While the board is part of the Anglican Diocese of the Highveld, they seek to co-operate with community projects as well as projects established by other communities and faith organisations.


Board Members


Very Reverend Simon Aiken - Acting Chairman

Delani Mthembu - Fund Raising

As a board member, I have been assigned to take responsibility for resource mobilization and fund raising. This requires establishing a strategy for this function, facilitating strategic relationships and partnerships with private and public organisations and establishing a resource team to support the Board. Fromtime to time, I will provide advice in terms of accountability to funders and sustaining relationships with partners for common projects and activities.

Fr Peter Mbatha - Home Based Care

I see myself as someone to build the relationship with the project so that we carry on as the Diocese to support the project, and as a person to report to the board about what is happening on the ground level. Last to monitor project what is happening and challenges visit project quarterly the Gauteng and Mpumalanga area.

Advocate. P Ncholo - Advocacy

Mr P. Miller - Finance Division

Peter Miller is a qualified Chartered Accountant and is the financial director of HABSR. He is keenly interested in all facets of the work of HABSR and is involved in the management team. Apart from this role he runs a full time Auditing practice on Gauteng’s East Rand and is Bursar for the Diocese of the Highveld. In his spare time he enjoys watching both cricket and motor sport. He enjoys the outdoors and likes to get away to the Kruger National Park and the Drakensberg mountains when he can.

Mrs Penny Heard - Programme Manager

I have been involved with HABSR on and off for the past seven years and has seen the organisation grow and evolve into what it is today. With the changing face of HABSR comes the added responsibility of accepting the challenges that come with it. With the strong team we now have these challenges will be easier to deal with and will enable us to positively move forward.