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The Chance 2 Advance aims to meet the learning needs of our society by providing members of the public, workers and civil society a kaleidoscope of creative and innovative learning opportunities and a range of informal learning initiatives.

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Thapelo Mzizi from CLT - Consolidated Trucking and Logistics, generously donated money towards the Kwasa project and any other projects deserving or fit. Specifically requesting that the donation be used for the soup kitchen, serving two meals  a day for 300 kids 80% of which are black or from disadvantaged community.

We thank you for being a Friend of HABSR.

CTL - has been delivering the goods for over two decades.


We thank you for being a Friend of HABSR.

EnterpriseWorx specialises in software and data solutions.


They raised donations of school supplies and stationery for the kiddies at our Safe Parks.

We thank you for being a Friend of HABSR.

Recognised as an exemplary Christian college nurturing principled, independent leadership.