Donation from a group of enthusiastic ladies.
HABSR would like to say a big thank you to the ladies who make packages of new born clothing for our orphaned and vulnerable mothers.
Kwasa Collage formally Kwasa Centre has now been registered as a private school.
HABSR wishes them well with their growth and move to become a fully-fledged school.
HABSR is partnered with UNISA this year in presenting the following training workshops
NPO governance and sustainability 13-14th April, Understanding community Development 18th May...
Latest Fundraising Drive
Thank you for supporting our latest fundraising drive – the raffle for the Defy microwave.
It was won by Thabo Kapa of Wattville (List No. K2, Ticket No. 2) .
An amount of R2 245 was raised.
Introducing Active Readers
This project aims to encourage and bring about awareness of reading by exploring and developing talents in children through storytelling, art, drama, poetry, music and dance.
Raffle Winners for Mother's & Father's Day!
Divan Beukes (List B2, Ticket No. 14). Congratulations!
Thank you to everyone who so generously took part.
Blanket and Clothing Appeal
Warm blankets and clothing are of the most sought after items for people in need, in the cold winter months. Please assist us by donating blankets or warm clothing, for the adults and children in our projects.
HABSR is proud to announce our new partnership
We have partnered with UNISA's "Chance 2 Advance" programme.